Category Archives: Typesetting

RS- Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Redshift? Redshift is a book production software with authoring features that generates Print PDF, EPUB, Online PDF, MOBI and XML, with the various formats and options to customise the templates in accordance with the version chosen, Lite or Self-publish, Standard or Enterprise. 2. Why should I use Redshift? Redshift provides various editorial […]

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RedShift PL Workflow Redshift PL workflow making changes

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Break width Equations

Break width equation Redshift controls the width of the equations so they don’t exceed a predefined width. Any equation without breaking leaves the math running off the page, so breaking the long equations without changing the continuity is more important. Redshift can handle long equations and places the break in a specific place to give […]

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Double + page fancy box

Double + page fancy box As we know, Fancy boxes are added to a book to add aesthetics, help with the layout of your information on the page, provide additional information or to showcase the important content of the book. Fancy boxes can also be added to the multiple pages of the book using our […]

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Double Column +

Double column + Many research papers, newspaper articles and many others often use multiple column layouts to make the documents much more presentable, thus making the reader engage in reading. Here you can see the multiple column layouts of a book. Our Redshift application perfectly makes multiple-column layout for the book that you are uploading […]

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Footnotes run-on

Footnotes run-on Multiple footnotes provided on the same line are referred to as run-in footnotes. Instead of providing every footnote on a new line, the footnotes can be provided in a continous manner to save space. With the Redshift application, you can add run-in footnotes to every page of your book.

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List numbers align w.r.t page

List numbers align w.r.t page  Numbered List is a kind of number used before the list of paragraphs.  Redshift can change the appearance of a list in a page by defining numbered, bulleted, and multilevel lists, and properly organizes the list with respect to the page. 

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Tables with multiple units align

Tables with multiple unit aligns The most common label used in tables is the unit of measurement for the data. Redshift application handles tables with single units and multiple units efficiently and aligns the unit properly and vertically to each other in order to retain the exact information and attain the perfect look. Redshift designs […]

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Multiple page images

Multiple page images Sometimes, you may wish to add multiple images in the sequential page of a document with one name, in order to retain its exact information or quality. Redshift application adds the image to the page according to your choice.

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Right to Left Paragraph

Right to Left paragraph Redshift allows users to enter text in right-to-left format to accommodate other languages without changing the styles and formats. For example, Arabic versions of books require this kind of format. Our Redshift application can efficiently handle other language books with the right-to-left format.

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